
   Institute for Chemical Research (ICR)
   Graduate School of Sceicne, Department of Physics
   Kyoto University

  off-Campus (University, Research institutes)

   National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Kansai Photon Science Institute
   Institute for Laser Technology
   National Institute for Fusion Science
   The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Inndustries
   Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University

  Academic Societies

   Laser Society of Japan
   Laser Society of Japan, KANSAI
   The Physical Society of Japan
   The Japan Society of Applied Physics
   The Optical Society of Japan
   The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research
   The Japan Society of Microscopy
   The Japanese Society for Neutron Science
   Particle Accelerator Society of Japan

  Overseas Projects of High Intensity Lasers

   ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure)