Dr. Koji Sugioka(Visiting professor of ICR, Kyoto University) (RIKEN)
"Function enhancement of laser processings by beam manipulation"
Dr. Koji Sugioka(Visiting professor of ICR, Kyoto University) (RIKEN)
"3D micro/nano processinf by femtosecond lasers and its applications"
Dr. Yasuhiko Sentoku and Dr. Natsumi Iwata(ILE, Osaka University)
"Numerical simulation of laser-plasma interactions"
Yoshiei Murooka(Lausanne Technical University)
"Filming plasmonic field and magnetic dynamics in Real Space and Time using ultrafast TEM"
Dr. Sophia Chen (LULI, Ecole Polytechnique)
"What would you do with 10^22W/cm^2 laser intensities ?"
Dr. Julien Fuchs (LULI, Ecole Polytechnique)
"Intense laser pulses and strong magnetization as tools for investigating astrophysical phenomena"
Dr. Ovidiu Tesilianu (ELI-NP)
"Project of Extreme Light Infrastructure for Nuclear Physics in Czech Republic "
Prof. Akira Saito (Nagoya University)
" Development of Spin-polarized pulse TEM using semiconuctor photocathode "
Prof. Takunori Taira (Institute for Molecular Sceince)
" Giant micro photonics, Basic, applications, and future prospect"
Dr. Hiromitsu Kiriyama (JAEA APR)
" Status-quo and future prospect of J-KAREN laser up-grade "
Dr. Masaki Kando (JAEA APR)
" Experiments with J-KAREN laser and future program"
Prof. Yuichi Setsuhara (Osaka University)
" Basic and prospects of plasma processing - Processing of low temperature, low famage, large area, and plasma medical applications"
Dr. Mamiko Nishiuchi (JAEA APR)
"Ion acceleration by ultra intense lasers"
Prof. Akira Endo(Institute of Physics, Czeck)
"Status and Prospects of HiLASE Project in Czeck"
Mr. Toshio Kobayasi (Japan Drilling Co., Ltd.)
"Celaining of debris in atomic power plants by CO2 lasers"
Prof. Kazuyosi Koyama (KEK)
"Laser driven particle accelerations"
Dr. Yoshie Murooka, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
"Magnetic dynamics studied by time-resolved electron microscopy"
Prof. Takeshi Yatsui, Department of Engineering, University of Tokyo
"Development of chemical reactions used dressed photons"
Dr. Laszlo Veisz, Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics, Germany
“Generation and applications of sub-5-fs multi-10-TW light pulses”
Prof. Masakatsu Murakami, Institute of Laser Enginerrsing, Osaka University
"Proton acceleration by nanotube accelerator"
Prof. Takeshi Yatsui, Department of Engineering, University of Tokyo
"Progress of processing technology used dressed photons"
Prof. Ernst Wintner, Photonics Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
“Laser ignition of engines - application of most recent laser development”
Dr. Tomas Mocek, HiLASE Project & Dept. of Diode-pumped Lasers, Institute of Physics, Czech Republic
“The HiLASE Project: a high average power DPSSL development in the Czech Republic
・2012.05.24 (PhD student seminar)
Mr. Masayasu Hata, Department of Physcis, Nagoya University
"Generation and transport of fast electrons for fast ignition laser nuclear fusion"
Dr. D. Lee, Institute for Laser Technology李 大治 氏 (公益財)レーザー技術総合研究所・研究員
"Trend of Smith Purcell free electron lasers"
Dr. Yoshie Murooka, RIKEN, Advanced Science Institute
"Ultrafast structural dynamics with femtosecond time-resolved electron diffraction"
Prof. NICLES, Peter , Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany, and APRI GIST, Korea
“Energetic photon from short-pulse laser plasmas”
Dr. Masaki Hada, Max Planck Research Department for Structural Dynamics at the Center for Free Electron Laser Science, University of Hamburg
"Femtosecond electron diffraction for "Molecular movies"
・2012.02.24 (PhD student seminar)
Mr. Masahiro Shimizu, Department of Engineering, Kyoto University
"Mechanism of local refarimulation in glasses by high repetition femtosecond laser"
Prof. Yasuhiko Sentoku, University of Nevada
"Enabiling numerical modeling of extremte-intensity laser produced hot dense plasma"
Prof. Michel Koenig, Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Laboratoire pour l'Utilisation des Lasers Intenses(LULI),Ecole Polytechnique
“High-intense laser facilities and high-filed science research at LULI, France”
Prof. Kunio Awadsu, Graduate School of Engineerign, Osaka University
“For illness selective laser medical care ~ expectration for mid ifrared lasers"
Prof. Kunio Awadsu, Graduate School of Engineerign, Osaka University
“Present and future of laser medical care ~ for illness selective laser medical care"
Prof. Hiroshi Azechi, Institute of Laser Enginerrsing, Osaka University
“New challenge of laser energy sciene", "Reent results and future plan of fast ignition experiments FIREX"
Prof. Toshihiro Taguchi, Departmetn of Engineering, Setsunan University
“Numerical simulation of laser plasmas"
Dr. Kensuke Honma, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
“Search of thermal radiation from phenomena horizon under fast acceleration field"
Mr. G. Fabien, Thales Laser Co., Ltd.
“10J-class 1-5Hz YAG lasers and their applications to PW-class lasers"
Dr. Kensuke Honma, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University
“Search of vacuum state using intense lasers ~ challenge of detection of nonlinear effect of QED in vacuum"
Prof. Yoshihiko Shimizu, KEK
“Development of neutron sources and the recent trend of thier applications"
Prof. Heinrich Kofler, Photonics Institute, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
"Monolithic high peak power solid state laser for engine ignition spark plug"
Prof. Minoru Yoshida, Department of Science and Engineering
"Basic and elemental technologies of fiber lasers II"
Prof. Minoru Yoshida, Department of Science and Engineering
"Basic and elemental technologies of fiber lasers II"
Prof. Shalom Eliezer Plasma Physics Department Soreq N.R.C.,yavne Israel
"Nanoparticles Induced by Femtosecond lasers "
Dr. Y. Okano, Institute of Laser Enginerrsing, Osaka University
"Generation of quntum beam by femtosecond laser and its application to time resolved diagnostics of laser ablation"
Prof. Peter Nicles, Peter Max-Born-Institute, Berlin, Germany
“Interaction of short intense laser pulses with matter, - Activities at the Max-Born-Institute Berlin -“
Only since 2003, when the laboratory was dedicated. |