Sorrry English page is still under condtruction. The following is not completed and paritally tentative. The completed is seen "in Japanese".

・The SAPPHIRES collaboration has been formed for the reserach of dark-matter search by four wave mixing in vacuum (Kensuke Homma [Hiroshima Univeristy] and S. Sakabe).
・"Single plasma mirror providing 10^4 contrast enhancement and 70% reflectivity for intense femtosecond lasers" by S. Inoue et al. has been accepted for Applied Optics..
・"Demonstration of periodic nanostructure formation with less ablation by double-pulse laser irradiation on titanium" by Y. Furukawa et al. has been published in Applied Physics Letters..
・Apr. 27: Prof. M. Hashida et al. win the Award for Excellent Papser from Laser Society of Japan.
・Apr. 27: Mrs. K. Mori and Y. Hurukawa win the Award for Excellent Presentation of 36th Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan.
・Feb. 8: Mr. K. Mori and Mr. K. Teramoto received IEEJ Excellent Presentation Award.
・Feb. 4: Mr. K. Watanabe presented Master Thesis (Graduated School of Science, Kyoto University).
・Jan. 9: Achievement of the experiments done in an undergraduate class was presented at 36th Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan.
・9 papsers were presented at The 70th Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan (Spealers: Mrs. T. Hasebe, K. Watanabe, Y. Miyasaka, T. Nishii, K. Teramoto, S. Inoue, K. Mori, and F. Arikawa).
・Jan.9-11: 8 papers were presented at 36th Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan.
・Jan.4: Prof. M. Hashida's proposal for NEDO project is adopted.

・Prof. Hashida gave an oral presentation at COLA2015.
・Prof. S. Sakabe gave invited presentation at CLEO-PR2015c.
・To Prof. S. Sakabe, the Fellow of the Laser Society of Japan is awarded.
・Prof. M. Hashida becomes the Senior Member of the Laser Society of Japan.
・Mr. K. Watanabe wins the Best Paper Award of 35th Annual Meeting of the Laser Society of Japan.
・Prof. S. Sakabe gave a tutorial lecture at CLEO2015.
・Prof. M. Hashida gave an oral presentation at CLEO2015.
・"Transient changes in electric fields induced by interaction of ultraintense laser pulses with insulator and metal foils: Sustainable fields spanning several millimeters" by S. Inoue et al. has been accepted for Physical Review E.
・9 papsers were presented at The 70th Annual Meeting of The Physical Society of Japan (Spealers: Mrs. T. Hasebe, K. Watanabe, Y. Miyasaka, T. Nishii, K. Teramoto, S. Inoue, K. Mori, and F. Arikawa).
・Mrs. K. Maeda, K. Teramoto, Y. Nakashima, and T. Nishii presented Master Thesis.
・Dr. Y. Miyasaka recieved Excellent Presentation Award From The Fundamentals and Materials Society.
・The paper "Strong sub-terahertz surface waves generated on a metal wire by high-intensity laser pulses" by S. Tokita, S. Sakabe, et al., has beenpublished in Scientific Reports.
・10 papers have been presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of Laser Society of Japan.

・The paper "Derivation of effective penetration depth of femtosecond laser pulses in metal from ablation rate dependence on laser fluence, incidence angle, and polarization" by Y. Miyasaka, et al. has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.
・The paper "Periodic surface structures on Titanium seld-organized upon double femtosecond pulse exposures" by L. Gemin, et al. has been accepted for publication in Applied Surface Science.
・"Progress in Nonlinear Nano-Optics" (Springer) has been published (ed. by S. Sakabe, et al.)
・Dr. S. Inoue received the Young Researcher Presentation Award of Plasma Conference 2014
・The 4 papers were presented at Plasma Conference 2014
・Prof. S. Sakbe had an invited talk at the Coloquium of Max-Planc Institute of Quantum Optics
・Dr. Y, Miyasaka received Outstanding Student Paper Award of ICPEPA2014.
・Mr. Y, Miyasaka (PhD student) has gotten PhD, and become JSPS-researcher.
・The 3 papers were presented at 2014 Autum Meeting of Physical Societyof Japan.
・Mr. Y, Miyasaka (PhD student) has received the Young Researcher Presentation Award of APLS2014.
・The 8 papers were presented at APLS2014/OPIC2014.
・The 8 papers were presented at The 69th Annual Meeting of Physical Societyof Japan.
・Prof. M. Hashida had an invited lecture at ICRIS'14.
・Dr. S. Inoue has received the 8th Young Scientists Award of the Physical Society of Japan.
・The Proposal of Dr. S. Inoue and T. Yoshimura (Kawabata Lab.) has been adopted for ICR fusional and pioneering research.

 Mr. Y. Miyasaka has received the Young Researcher Presenrtation Award of APLS2014.

 A postdoctral reseracher Dr. Nakamiya joined as a new member.

 A graudate student for master course was assigned (Kouta Watanabe)(the 11th).

 8th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
 Shunsuke INOUE
 Doctor Thesis "Femtosecond Electron Deflectometry for Measuring Ultrafast Transient Field Induced by Intense Laser Pulses , (Kyoto University, Doctor of Science)
 Physical Review Letters, 109, 185001(2012)
 Applied Physics Letters 99, 031501 (2011)

 ICR Award for Graduate Students
 "Femtosecond electron deflectometry for measuring transient fiels generated by laser-accelerated fast electrons"
  Shunsuke INOUE

 Dr. Shunsuke Inoue took up his new post of Assistant Professor.

 New optical table was installed into the laser room.

 Laura Jemini (PhD student from Technical University of Czech) was accepted as a research student (ICR Internationla Fellowship for young researchers)

 3 graudate students for master course were assigned (Kensuke Teramoto, Yuuto Nakashima, Takaya Nishii)(the 10th).

 Ass, Prof. Shigeki Tokita moved to Osaka University as a lecturer.

 7th Young Scientist Award of the Physical Society of Japan
 Shigeki TOKITA
 Physical Review Letters 105, 215004 (2010).
 Physical Review Letters 106, 255001 (2011).

 Excellent Award ("A" Award) of The Instituteof ELectrical Engineering of Japan
 Masahiro SHIMIZU, "Self-organization of nano structures on metal surface by femtosecond lasers"

 ICR Atudent Award
 Shunsuke INOUE
 "Femtosecond electron deflectometry for measuring transient fiels generated by laser-accelerated fast electrons"

 Laura Jemini (PhD student from Technical University of Czech) was accepted as a research student (GSS GCOE Bilateral Programm)

 Lorentz Festival (GSS in Yoshida campus)

 Excellent Presentetion Award of the 32nd Annual Meeting, Laser Society of Japan
 "Self correlation to measure the emission time of fast electrons generated be femtosecond laser"
 Shunsuke INOUE(D3)

 The Mitsubishi Foundation Research Grants in the Natural Science

 Reconsctruction of T6-laser system for up-grade and short pulse with plasma mirror system

 Dr. Masahiro Shimizu took up his new post of ICR researcher as JSPS researcher for Sakabe Labooratory.

 4 graudate students for master course were assigned (Daiki IKEDA, Mao KAWAMOTO, Kazuya MAEDA, Kazuaki MORI)(the 9th)

 GSS Seminar (in Yoshida campus) "Introsduction of the facility of ultra intense laser system in Kyoto Univeristy and invitation to intense optical field", S. Sakabe

 2011 ICR annual meeting for graduate students

 Public hearing for Dr thesis, Fazarl Jahangiri, "Terahertz Emission from Gas and Atomic Cluster Plasmas Induced by Intense Femtosecond Laser"

 111th ICR Annual Meeting of Research 111th ICR Annual Meeting of Research

 The Amada Foundation

・2011.10.22, 23
 Open Campus 2011of Kyoto university Uji campus

 14th Chemistry for high school students− Meeting to listen, look, and enjoy advanced chemistry-

 Joint meeting for exchange of Asakawa, Awadsu, and Sakabe laboratories

 Kyoto University, Research financial support programm "Core-Stage Bauck-Up"

 Lorentz Festival (GSS in Yoshida campus)

 Excellent Presentetion Award of the 31st Annual Meeting, Laser Society of Japan
 "Mechnism of femtosecond laser nano ablation of metals ~ Angular distribution of ion emission~"
 Yasuhito MIYASAKA (D1)

 5th KONDO Award of Osaka University
 "Compression of laser accelerated electron bunch and its application to electron diffraction"
 Shigeki TOKITA

 1 graudate student for master course was assigned (Hiroaki NAKAJIMA)(the 8th)

 A new secretary joined.

 GSS Seminar (in Yoshida campus) "Ultrafast temporal resolved ekectron diffraction using laser accelerated femtosecond electron banch", Shigeki TOKITA

 2010 ICR annual meeting for graduate students


 Research topics in ICR home-page

 110th ICR Annual Meeting of Research 110th ICR Annual Meeting of Research

 Joint meeting for exchange of Awadsu and Sakabe laboratories

 13th Chemistry for high school students 13th Chemistry for high school students 見学サイト8: 高強度の光がつくる虹色(高強度レーザー科学)ボールペンの金属部分にイニシャルを記入するミニ実験などを行いました。

 Yamada Science Foundation

 Joint Open Laboratory of Physical Laboraories in ICR (GSS in Yoshida campus)

 Lorentz Festival (GSS in Yoshida campus)

 2 graudate students for master course were assigned (IKUTA and Kiyoto KOWATA)(the 7th)

 Kansai Research Foundation for Technology Promotion
 Shigeki Tokita

 2009 ICR annual meeting for graduate students

 Instrument for imaging plate reader FujiFILM FDL5000 was transfered for Graduate School of Engineering.

 ICR Award for Young Scientists
 "Single shot ultrafast electron diffraction using laser accelerated sub Mev electron pulses"
  Shigeki TOKITA

 109th Annual Meeting of ICR

 Open Uji-Campus of Kyoto University 2009 Open labo "Rainbow world with ultraintense laser"

・2009.8.5, 6
 Intensive lecture "Laser Science" for Kyoto University Public Lecture (Profs. S. Sakabe, M. Hashida, S. Tokita)

  13th Chemistry for high school students 13th Chemistry for high school students 
 Labo site 8: Rainbow produced by intense light (Intense Laser Science)

 三重県立松阪高等学校「化学研究所 研究室訪問」

 公益財団法人 京都大学教育研究振興財団 研究助成受領 時田茂樹




 修士課程院生が2名配属される(二正寺敏彦君,宮坂泰弘君)(第6期), 文科省国費留学生 Fazel Jahangiri君博士後期課程に入学

 GCOE PD 成果発表会(吉田キャンパス)大谷一人「高強度超短パルスレーザーによる高エネルギーパルスイオンの生成」

 日本原子力研究開発機構 関西光科学研究所 光量子科学研究ユニットを見学

 第108回 化学研究所 研究発表会

 JSPS−NSFシンポジウム サイトビジット参加者がレーザー科学棟を見学

 理学研究科 GCOE研究員が着任,化学研究所特任研究員として阪部研に配属(大谷一人氏)

 京都大学宇治キャンパス公開2008 公開ラボ<高強度レーザーが作る虹色の世界>

 文科省国費留学生が研究生として配属(イラン、Fazel Jahangiri)

 天田金属加工機械技術振興財団 研究助成受領 時田茂樹

 全学共通講座 集中講義「レーザー科学」(阪部教授・橋田准教授・時田助教)

 第11回 高校生のための化学 第11回 高校生のための化学



 公益財団法人 村田学術振興財団 研究助成受領 橋田昌樹

 公益財団法人 池谷科学技術振興財団 研究助成受領 時田茂樹



 京都大学化学研究所 第107回 研究発表会


 第14回化研公開講演会 「レーザー光の魅力とレーザー社会の今と未来」阪部 周二 教授


 天田金属加工機械技術振興財団 研究助成受領 橋田昌樹



・2007.6.22, 29
 (社)レーザー学会業績賞・奨励賞  時田茂樹 他
  “Sapphire-conductive end-cooling of high power cryogenic Yb:YAG lasers”
 社)レーザー学会業績賞・進歩賞  橋田昌樹、清水政二(元助手)、阪部周二



 公益財団法人 池谷科学技術振興財団  橋田昌樹 



 時田茂樹氏 第3代助手に着任

 清水政二氏 三星ダイヤモンド(株)に転出













 社)レーザー学会業績賞・進歩賞  橋田昌樹他





・2004.11.26 詳細
 2004.05.28 詳細
  橋田昌樹 他





  阪部周二 京都大学化学研究所教授に就任,原子核科学研究施設基礎反応部門を担当(理学研究科物理学宇宙物理学専攻物理第2教室量子ビーム物理分科の協力教員)

本研究室は2003に開所しました。これ以前、 1977年以降の研究室代表者らの研究履歴などは掲載いたしておりません。