Recent remarkable progress on the technology of intense short pulse lasers has made it possible to realize ultra strong optical field even in laboratories. The optical field strength can become higher than the field strength in an atom, and motion of an electron becomes relativistic. The new physics of interactions between intense lasers and matters is opening new applications such as laser processing, laser radiation science, and laser nuclear science. In the processes of atomic or molecular ionization and ablation with femtosecond lasers optical field plays significant functions, differing from thermal processes with nano second lasers. Soft-ionization and nano-ablation have the feasibilities of their applications to mass spectrometry and nano-structural formation and matter reforming, respectively. In laser-produced plasmas electron acceleration by strong optical field and following ion acceleration make it possible to generate high energy particle beams. Ultra intense laser produced quantum beams are featured by pulsive, point, and intense sources, and expected as the next generation quantum beam sources, which can be replaced with conventional accelerator based sources.
In our laboratory, with our home constructed intense laser system, the physics of intense laser matter interactions and their applications are studied. Our research can be related in various fields. We welcome the collaborative research and you to visit us, if you have common interests on lasers, physics, and applications.
For the students who are interested in the study of advanced laser science in our laboratory, you can contact us.