Guidance with a metal wire for electrons accelerated by the interaction of intense laser with a foil.
Diagnostics for protons accelerated by the interaction of intense alser with a foil
Self-organization of nano periodic structures on metal by femtosecond laser.
Kazuya MAEDA
Development and peformance evaluation of a plasma mirror system to make high-quality pulses for intense femtosecond lasers.
Prpperties of electron sources acelerated by the laser interaction with foil targets
Femtosecond laser coloring for metals
Kazuaki MORI
THz generation by the intense laser intearaction with clusetes
Shunsuke INOUE 
Femtosecond Electron Deflectometry for measuering ultrafast transient fields induced by intense laser pulses
Characteristics of electron beams generated by the interactions of intense short pulse laser with metal wires
Fazel Jahangiri
Terahertz emission from gas and atomic cluster plasmas induced by intense femtosecond laser pulses
Yoshinobu IKUTA
Laser fluence dependence of interspace of periodic structure self-organized on meatal suarface by femtosecond lasers
Development of plasma mirror to reduce low-intensity long pulse component included in intense short pulse laser
Toshihiko NISHOJI
Characteristics of electrons accelerated/emitted by the interactions of intense short pulse laser with thin foil plasmas
Mechanism of femtosecond laser ablation of metals by analysis of emitted ions
Kiminori OKAMURO
Mechanism of self-organization of periodic structure on metal surface irradiated by femtosecond laser
Development of 2.8mm ultrashort pulse fiber laser using Er doped ZBLAN glass
Process of ion emission during ablation of mental by intense femtosecoond laser
(Graduate School)
"Intense Laser Science" (S. Sakabe, M. Hashida)
"Seminar on Laser Science" (S. Sakabe, M. Hashida, S. Inoue)
"Laboratory Work in Physics" (M. Hashida, S. Inoue, S. Sakabe)
"Frontiers of Physics" (S. Sakabe, M. Hashida)
<Issues for Laboratory Work in Physics>
Our laboratoru is responsible for challenge exercises A4-2, and we have established the different challenges every year on cutting-edge researcg. Unlike the student experiment of undergraduate, through research similar to graduate school, you can get to learn how to proceed scientific research.
FY2012: Research on the process of formation of nano periodic structures on copper suarface by femtosecond laser. (S. Tokita)
FY2011: Reduction of prepulse of femtosecond laser pulse with a plasma mirror..
FY2010: Reflaction of laser pulse by high density plasma.
FY2009: Development of compact femtosecond auto-correlator and it performance.
FY2008: Interactions of intense laser with matter - high energy particle emission -
FY2007: Interactions of intense laser with matter
FY2006: Interactions of intense laser with matter (nonlinear index)
FY2005: Interactions of intense laser with clusters
FY2004: Mechanism of generation of nano periodic structures on gold surface/ White light generation